experiences and best practices” at the 2023 RFSD

The Regional Forum is a valuable multi-stakeholder platform for SDG solutions, organized by UNECE in close cooperation with the Regional UN System. The Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (RFSD) follows up on and reviews the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the UNECE region. Focusing on practical value-added and peer learning, it creates a regional space to share policy solutions, best practices and challenges in SDG implementation and helps identify major regional and subregional trends. VNR-VLR studio “Evidence-based approaches to the development of the Voluntary Local Reviews: experiences and best practices” has been organized within the scope of the event by UN-Habitat, UNECE - Forests, Land and Housing Division; UN DESA; Union of Cities and Local Governments (UCLG); University of Geneva; and ITU.